Public Speaking & Executive Communication Coaching

Public Speaking
Executive Communication Coaching

DK Price is a master at sharpening Leadership & Communication skills across all arenas. As a sought after motivational and leadership speaker and coach, he often is called to train leaders as they pivot in efforts to attain greater success.

As a Public Speaking Coach, he can help you optimize your presentations and enhance your credibility. Regardless if you’re a CEO, a lawyer, participate in speaking engagements or on podcasts, or work in any other client-facing position, he can improve your communication and leadership skills, all while helping to reduce anxiety and stress while speaking.

Your voice sends messages about your credibility, empathy, authenticity and reliability- whether you like it or not. A more credible voice will clarify your value proposition and underscore the most valuable parts of your presentation, help you tell a great sales story and have your prospects hanging on your every word, and help you inspire your prospects and lead your team.

As a John Maxwell trained Life Coaching expert, David brings light and clarity to a client’s vision and purpose. His keen sense of discernment and wisdom during his coaching, directs clients to ultimately find themselves in a new way that ignites and guides their passion. David is passionate about coaching entrepreneurs, entry level executives, senior managers and anyone desiring a roadmap in which to successfully pivot!

Photograph of DK Price giving a presentation.